Thursday, January 14, 2010

January 14, 2010

Yesterday morning at 5 a.m. Gistauve, one of our workers, came and asked David for a truck and a driver so that he could take some men and try to dig through the rubble to rescue Feliciane, the daughter of Madame Felinord who works in our home. They had found her, and could hear her, but needed to dig her out. It took them all morning...she lost her foot and then on the ride home, she lost her life. She's with Jesus now, PLT.

Becky Ivy, our school sponsorship director, and I started a series of radio, newspaper and TV interviews. We also worked all day on lining up doctors and support team as well as medical supplies. As you can imagine, our phones have rung off the wall! Delee Isbill came to the house at noon and started helping field all the phone calls. She's been a great help!

David was working on the Haiti side doing the same thing...trying to line up help.

1 comment:

  1. David and Judy, we are good friends of Chris and Sheryl. I am a nurse and Roger is a Physical Therapist. We are wondering if there is anything we can do - gather medical supplies to get to Agape, see if we can get down there somehow, is there anything besides cash and prayer that we can contribute? I am sure there are others wondering the same thing.
