Wednesday, March 19, 2014

March 19, 2014

Great to have so many people wanting to come and be a part of our lives and ministry! Eileen Brenize, a former GO Haiti missionary came and spent 13 days with us. She always brings David his favorite fruit cake that she matter what time of the year it is. She and Rolande (one of our Haitian lady workers) keep the Flannelgraph ministry functioning in at least 130 different programs. They call the ministry "Hope for Tomorrow." Eileen was so excited to see how the Haitians were able to organize their own one day training session for at least 125 leaders. What an encouragement to all involved.
Fun to have Kellie Johnston here. We have kept her very busy organizing the pharmacy. Her skills have been a blessing to Becky Ivy as they worked on the Sponsorship program. Becky brought Jessica Mason, Lyndal Barnett and Doug Tarrance as a small team from our home church.
While Becky, Jessica, Kellie, and Casey worked on the sponsorship kids Doug and Lyndal did much needed maintenance around the property.

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