Monday, January 3, 2011

Jan 3, 2011

Has it only been 10 days since Mom went on to be with the Lord? The days have been packed. On Friday we met with the funeral home director and completed the arrangements. After sharing Christmas with our family we had Mom's viewing on Sunday afternoon and the funeral on Monday. What a celebration!!! My nephew Rick Simpson shared some of his memories about Mom ( she would have been so pleased) and then David did her service. He said in all the funerals he has done this one was the toughest. What an anointing the Lord had on David and His Word. Our church was so gracious ...along with the Pairs and Spares Sunday School class to furnish a meal after the service. This allowed the family some special time to share with each other. Next we needed to prepare Mom's condo for selling. I wanted to help my brother get this done before I went back to Haiti so that all this wouldn't fall on him. What a blessing to have our kids and grand kids to come and help go through, box, sort and move all her things. Everyone worked in such sweet harmony. It was fun to reminisce as each trinket brought up memories. Also found a couple of poems she had written about me and my brother. By 5pm Sunday the condo was staged and ready for the realtor to show, family had taken rememberances they wanted and the garage was loaded with items for giveaway. Late this afternoon we will drive to Nashville, spend the night with Tommy and Becky Scott and head for the airport Tuesday morning at 4am. We will arrive in PAP at 12:15pm and have a team from Guatemala arriving at 2:30pm. Pray for strength.

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