Saturday, November 27, 2010

Nov. 27, 2010

I'm sure many of you know of the cholera outbreak here in Haiti. Samaritan's Purse...located on our property...along with many other organizations have been battling this outbreak for over a month. Lots of medical teams are arriving in the country but the main problem is getting the meds they need out to the areas where the worse outbreaks are. Customs and the government are holding thousands of cases of the needed IV's. One distributor said they couldn't sell to organizations working in the province because they needed to keep the IV's in reserve in case there is a major flare up in PAP. Our nurses have been doing education in the schools, churches, etc. Some of our staff have been involved in helping other clinics keep their doors open around the clock. As of this weekend many of the clinics are seeing fewer new cases. As you can imagine there will always be an ebb and flow consistent with the living conditions here.
Always busy getting caught up after being gone for a few weeks. The schools are functioning well. This year with the help of Blessings in a Backpack and an NBA basketball star's foundation we have added lots of new items to our school feeding program. The teachers and students are thrilled. We started the new menus this week. The morning and afternoon schools are having meat four days each week and one day a boiled egg along with the rice/beans, corn/ spaghetti, etc. The Kindergarten has added eggs, hot dogs, chocolate milk and fresh juice to their usual snack time of bread, peanut butter, milk, juice and cookies.
Thanksgiving Day all our American staff gathered at our house for a lovely dinner. Everyone brought in goodies and we have a wonderful day of food, fellowship and sharing of the Word.
David and crew have spent hours and hours trying to get caught up with the breakdowns of vehicles. We've ordered parts from everywhere and had them shipped to teams coming in.
The Runk's with their two children have joined us for 90 days....he has mechanical and maintenance skills and they are being put to good use. They are seeking the Lord's will as to whether this is where He would have them serve full time. Please pray for them.
We have national elections tomorrow for Deputy Senate and President. Please pray for calm to reign. Travel will be limited tomorrow for the entire country.

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