Monday, December 26, 2011

Dec 26,2011

We know everyone has had a very busy holiday season.  The same here.  On Dec 9th the Runk's arrrived on compound to spend a couple of months here. We love having them and of course the children are a delight.Dec 10th Ronnie Blackwell from Danville, KY brought a team of 8 men to be with us for a week.  WOW !! we worked them hard. The first day we  sorted and sacked over 500 Christmas bags. Thanks to the team...they were able to bring down 8 duffel bags of toys from our home church Walnut Memorial Baptist Church in Owensboro. These toys plus all the extra toys that were brought down during the year made up the gifts for the school children.  The next few days the men worked on building forms to make a concrete pour on the expanded grease pit where we work on vehicles. On Thursday we did the pour....around 19 yards of cement all mixed on the ground. Friday was a day of blessings.  We gave out the Christmas gifts to our Kindergarten, Morning School and the Afternoon School  The smiles and the laughter on the face of the children was worth it all.  Sorry each of you couldn't be here to share in the give away. As the team shared in their debriefing....Friday was worth the entire trip. Another ministry shared over 300 boxes of gifts so we were able to give to other schools and orphanages.Wednesday we gave to another Kindergarten of 40 children plus 106 kids up the mountain at Blanquet school.  There we were also able to give out dresses made by many ladies in churches in the US.
Thank you so much for helping make this time of the year special for so many.
Christmas Eve:  What a special time.  It is the night when we invite all our staff...American and Haitian that  live on the compound to come and share in our home.  We started with a time of prayer then we read the Christmas story found in Luke 2 both Creole and English.  It was time for the food and fellowship around the table. As we finished the food the kids were anxious to see what was under the tree. Mme Girard, Cecile, Saul, his wife and three children opened their gifts.  One gift was a song book so that started our time of singing. Everyone participated. We had quartets, solos, etc. Lots of laughter and fun. As we ended in prayer we knew we had just experienced Christmas.
Christmas Day.  The Heady's and Runk's shared a lovely Christmas breakfast at the Erickson's home. We opened gifts and then it was time for David to go to Shekina to preach. At 2pm we had dinner at our home. We invited the only 3 Americans  with Samaritan's Purse left on the compound for the holidays. All 11 of us had a great time of food and fellowship....way too much food!!!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Dec 7, 2011

WHEW!  Great days of travel but wonderful to be back in Haiti. We returned about a week ago.  Catching up is always a challenge.  We had a blessed time in our 3 Mission Conferences...Lee University, Christ Church and Global Outreach. Our travel to visit 6 missionary units in Ecuador was also a blessing. It is exciting to see how the Lord is using each one of them to accomplish His ministry in each of their areas.  As we visited each one I'm saying..."I would love to be here". Ecuador is such a beautiful country.  They have lush country sides and lots of vegetation. heart was at peace when we returned to Haiti knowing this is the place the Lord has called us and His call has never been more clear.  As we age...David will be 72 the 20th of this month...we know there are things in the future that will change but our hearts for Haiti are still strong. Working in a physical way may not be able to continue long term but working in the spiritual will always  be a possibility. God called...and that call has not been revoked.
We have a BUSY year 2012  ahead as our team schedule is FULL. This is so exciting knowing that God is still calling out people to work in His Kingdom.
Please pray for laborers to help.  We need an office manager, a teacher to help oversee the schools, at least 2 couples to come and work along side the staff we have now.